gINT Civil Tools Professional Help

What's New in gINT Civil Tools Professional Plus Update 4

gINT Project Metadata

When connecting to a gINT Project (gpj) the information from the Project Table is retrieved and stored as DGN Properties in the Project section:

If the properties are updated in the gINT gpj file, they will also be updated in the project section when querying the data once again.

Note: This is not supported for the Microsoft Excel database type. When using a SQL Database, the Project table of the selected Project (in the Connectivity Dialog) will be used. When using the Query All Projects tool, no Project information will be retrieved.

Hammer Correction Factor

New setting in Additional Table Mapping to calculate the hammer correction factor.

The hammer correction factor used for the calculation: N60 = N-Value * (Hammer Correction Factor / 60).

If not specified, the N-Value is computed as usual from the blow counts results.